Wednesday, January 8, 2014

London Weather

People always ask me how the weather is in London.  It really isn't that bad.  Of course it is cloudy and damp, but then you always know what to expect.  Since moving to London I now talk about the weather on a daily basis.  Is it warm and cloudy, cool and rainy, mild and sunny, or is it cold and the rain is coming down at a 45 degree angle which no umbrella has a chance of stopping?  It seems to be that 45 degree angled rain only occurs when I am on my 15 minute walk from the train station to work or in another country in Europe.  Actually, it rains every time I leave England.  Every time.

When it rains it's only for an hour or so, but it is always a good idea to have an umbrella with you.  I was just looking through my pictures and most of the pictures in England have blue or partially cloudy skies.  Only one has an umbrella!

Cool and rainy:

The evening to day temperature swings are usually about 10F and this week the high has been in the low 50F rather than -15F that most of the US has been experiencing.  Sure most of the winter is in the 40/50s and spring/fall is in the 50/60s, but that's what summer is for!  For a week it might even make it up to the 80s!

Cool and Cloudy:

Mild and Sunny:

Looks like I still need a warm and sunny picture!  :)

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