Friday, November 22, 2013

Food Adventures - Scottish Egg

While on an evening walk along the Thames I worked up an appetite.  I went to store after store but nothing sounded appealing to me.  Just as I was about to give up I saw a cute little stand selling Scottish Eggs.  Sure I had no idea what a Scottish Egg was but figure what the heck.  This is what I received:

Basically it is a soft boiled egg, covered in sausage, and then deep fried in bread crumbs.  It is served cold, sliced with a bit of mustard on top.  It was yummy!!  I can see this being a big hit with the drunks making there way home after a night on the town.  By the way, people drink here All. The. Time. Seeing someone get sick next to the train station in a business suit on a Thursday at 4 pm isn't an uncommon sight.  I'm still trying to get used to it!  PS don't worry it wasn't me in the business suit next to the train.  :)

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